Jeju Ferry Passenger Terminal
제주 항 국제 여객 터미널
Jeju city · Jeju
Embark on routes to all corners of the country

Various amenities for travelers
A ferry terminal with routes to Wando, Mokpo, Busan, and other destinations around Korea. Inside, there is a tourist information center, currency exchange, pharmacy, and convenience store for travelers. It is recommended to check the schedule on the website before visiting the terminal as it is closed on different days depending on the destination.
- 191 Imhang-ro, Jeju-si, Jeju-do
- +82647208520
- How to get there8 min drive from Dongmun Traditional Market
- Insider TipsFree parking for 1 hour (1,800 won per hour thereafter)Fees vary by route - Hours of operation vary (see website)Tourist information center and currency exchange available (1F)
Reviews from locals
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