Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these Terms and Conditions (these “Terms”) is to set forth basic matters on the use of interpark global by NOL and any and all services related to interpark global by NOL provided by Nol Universe Co., Ltd. (the “Company”), such as rights, obligations, responsibilities, terms and conditions of use, and procedures between the Company and users.

Article 2 (Definitions)

The terms used herein shall have the following meanings:

  1. “Service(s)” means platform services for, among others, booking, purchasing, and recommending travel and ticket related products, services, etc. (“Products, etc.”) provided by interpark global by NOL, covering any and all services such as interpark global by NOL and web or app related to interpark global by NOL, regardless of devices on which they are implemented (including, but not limited to, various wired and wireless devices such as PCs, TVs, and mobile devices).
  2. “User(s)” means any Member (as defined below) or Non-member (as defined below) who accesses the Company’s Services and uses the Services provided by the Company in accordance with these Terms. Hereinafter, the term may be used only to denote a Member, not Non-member, among Users, depending on the context.
  3. “Member(s)” means any customer who accesses the Company’s Services, enters into a use agreement with the Company in accordance with these Terms, and creates a Member account (ID/PW) to use the Services provided by the Company.
  4. “Non-member(s)” means any customer who accesses the Company’s Services and uses the Services provided by the Company in accordance with these Terms, but has not created a Member account (ID/PW). Non-members may be restricted from making reservations or purchases of products and services.
  5. “ID” means an e-mail address designated by a Member and approved by the Company for the Member’s identification and use of the Services.
  6. “PW” means a combination of letters or numbers, etc. set by a Member to confirm that he/she is the Member matching the ID assigned to him/her and to protect confidentiality.
  7. “Seller(s)” means any person who sells his/her Products, etc. using the Services provided by the Company, and any person who receives booking, sales agency, advertising Services, etc. from the Company.
  8. “Content” means any creative product that the Company or an Editor (as defined below) produces in order to upload on the Services operated by the Company by editing videos, images, sound sources, texts, etc. in connection with the following:\ (1) Travel-related news;

(2) Recommended travel schedule;\ (3) Travel records; and\ (4) Any other knowledge or information related to travel.

  1. “Editor” means any person who enters into an employment agreement, business delegation agreement, or business partnership agreement, etc. with the Company to create and supply Content to be uploaded on the Services operated by the Company or any page related to the Services.
  2. “Travel News Notification” means a type of Service provided by the Company, whereby the Content prepared by an Editor is provided to a Member via app push or email, etc.
  3. “Post(s)” means codes (including URLs), texts, voices, sounds, pictures (including videos), images (including photos), files, etc. that Users post or register on the Services.
  4. “Point(s)” means numerical virtual data that the Company provides to Members for the benefit of their use of the Services or for their convenience in using the Services. Members can use these Points to make payments for Products, etc. in the Services. The specific method of use, name, etc. may vary depending on the Company’s policy.
  5. “Coupon(s)” means any discount coupon, complimentary coupon, etc. that allow Members to receive a discount for the usage amount by the amount or rate indicated thereon, when using the Services. The type and details of Coupons may vary depending on the Company’s policy.

Article 3 (Effect and Amendment of Terms)

  1. These Terms are effective for all Users who wish to use the Services. Access to the Company’s web or app, and use of all Services shall be prohibited if Users do not consent to, or fail to comply with, these Terms; provided, however, that certain Services are subject to the terms and conditions of the business that provides such Services to the Company, instead of these Terms (detailed guide is separately indicated in each Service area).
  2. When a User accesses the Company’s web or app to use the Services, he/she shall confirm and comply with these Terms and related operation policies. The Company shall post these Terms on its website or at the bottom of the startup page of the Services in the app so that Users can confirm these Terms when using the Services.
  3. The Company may amend these Terms to the extent that such amendment does not violate relevant laws, including the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection (the “Network Act”), the Framework Act on Consumers, and the Framework Act on Electronic Documents and Transactions.
  4. If the Company intends to amend these Terms, it shall announce such amendment from seven (7) days prior to the effective date, specifying the effective date and the reason for the amendment; provided, however, that any amendment unfavorable to Members shall be announced in the foregoing manner from 30 days prior to the effective date, and if necessary, notified to Users individually. That said, if it is difficult to give such individual notice due to a Member’s failure to state his/her contact information, incorrect entry of his/her contact information, or failure to correct his/her contact information after change, the relevant announcement shall be deemed as individual notice.
  5. If a User fails to express his/her refusal to the application of the amended Terms prior to the effective date of the amended Terms even though the Company announced or notified Users that they will be deemed to have consented to the amendment if they do not express their intent of refusal before the effective date of the amendment when announcing or notifying the amended Terms pursuant to Paragraph 4 above, the User is deemed to have consented to the amended Terms.

6. Any User who intends to enter into a new use agreement with the Company during the period prior to the application of the amended Terms, after receiving the notice of the amended Terms pursuant to Paragraph 4 above, shall be deemed to have consented to the application of the amended Terms.

7. If a User refuses the application of the amended Terms, the use of the Services may be suspended and the use agreement may be terminated.

  1. Users shall fulfill their duty of care with respect to the amendment of these Terms, and the Company shall not be liable for any damage incurred by Users for not being aware of the amended Terms.

9. If necessary, the Company may set forth individual terms and conditions, policies, or other operational principles for individual items within the Services. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and any individual terms and conditions or operational principles, the individual terms and conditions or the operational principles shall prevail.


Article 4 (Establishment of Use Agreement)

  1. A use agreement is executed when a person who intends to become a Member (“Applicant”) consents to these Terms and fills in the Member information in the application form designated by the Company to apply for membership, and then the Company approves such application.

2. The Company may not approve, or may subsequently terminate the use agreement for, any of the following applications:

(1) Where there is any false description, omission or error in the application;

(2) Where the Applicant uses another person’s name, e-mail, contact information, etc.;

(3) Where there is a risk of violating the applicable laws and regulations or undermining the public peace and order or good social morals;

(4) Where the Applicant has previously been disqualified from membership under these Terms (unless the Applicant has obtained prior approval from the Company to sign up again despite the previous disqualification);

(5) Where it is impossible to grant approval due to a cause attributable to the User or the Applicant;

(6) Where the information such as e-mail, contact information, etc. of the Applicant is the same as that of a Member who has already signed up for the membership;

(7) Where the Applicant intends to use the Services for unlawful purposes or for profit;

(8) In the event that the user engages in any prohibited activities as specified in Article 20.

(9) Where it is otherwise deemed that the application for use is in breach of these Terms, illegal or unfair;

(10) Where it is otherwise deemed necessary, in the reasonable opinion of the Company, not to approve the membership, including cases where the registration as a Member significantly impedes the Company’s technology, operation or business; or

(11) Where a child under 14 years of age engages in any activities as specified in Article 5, Paragraph 2, when applying for membership.

3. In connection with the applications under Paragraph 1 above, the Company may request the Applicant to conduct identity verification by verifying his/her mobile phone number or real name through a specialized institution.

4. The Company may withhold the approval of the application in any of the following cases:

(1) Where there is no practically available capacity in the facilities for the provided Services;

(2) Where it is deemed that there is an issue related to the technology, operation or business in providing the Services;

(3) Where the Company deems it necessary in financial and technical terms; or

(4) Where the real name verification and identity verification under Paragraph 3 above are in process. 5. If the Company does not approve, or withholds the approval of, the application for membership pursuant to Paragraphs 2 and 4 above, the Company may notify the Applicant of such refusal or withholding in the manner set by the Company. 6. The use agreement shall be established at the time when the Company indicates the completion of the signing up on the application procedures page or gives an individual notice.

Article 5 (Minor Membership)

  1. A minor Member under 14 years of age must provide his/her own personal information and obtain his/her guardian's consent which shall be confirmed in accordance with site policies to use the Company's Services. The Company may confirm such information provided by the minor Member and his/her guardian's consent, and the minor Member and his/her guardian shall cooperate with the Company's confirmation procedures.
  2. The Company may suspend or limit a Member's qualifications for membership even after approval in any of the following cases:
    1. Where the minor Member provides false personal information at the time of application;
    2. Where the minor Member applies for his/her membership without his/her guardian's consent thereto;
    3. Where the Company finds that the minor has deceived the Company to believe that he or she obtained his/her guardian's consent, which is not true; or
    4. Where such cases fall under Article 4, Paragraph 2.
  3. The Minor Member Agreement is executed when the Company's approval of his/her membership is delivered to such minor Member.
  4. The minor Member and his/her guardian may request withdrawal from his/her membership at any time and the Company shall process such withdrawal request immediately; provided that the minor Member and his/her guardian must be aware of the terms related to withdrawal of membership in accordance with Article 6, Paragraph 1.
  5. The Company may send any notice to the minor Member's or his/her guardians' email addresses which they submit to the Company. When the minor Member uses the Services or purchases products, if the Company deems it necessary, the Company may notify his/her guardian thereof.
  6. Any minor Member who reaches the age of fourteen (14) shall become a general Member of Nol Universe.
  7. The Company shall give priority to applying this provision to minor Members, and any matters not specified in this provision shall be governed by the Terms and Conditions of interpark global by NOL.

Article 6 (Withdrawal by Member, Termination of Membership, etc.)

  1. A Member may request withdrawal from his membership at any time and the Company shall process such withdrawal request immediately; provided, however, that such Member must complete or cancel any and all procedures for sale and purchase of products being transacted before he or she notifies the Company of his/her intent to withdraw from the membership. Such Member shall be solely responsible for any loss incurred from such cancelation of relevant transactions.
  2. The Company may suspend or limit a Member's qualifications for membership in any of the following cases:

(1) Such Member registered false information at the time of submission of his/her application

(2) Such Member fails to make payment/obligations due for products and services purchased through the Company's Services or in relation to use of the Company's Services.

(3) Such Member threatens electronic commerce rules by interfering with others' use of the Company's Services or stealing their information

(4) By using the Company's Services, such Member commits acts which are prohibited by this Agreement, relevant laws or against good public orders and custom

(5) Such Member steals others' personal information, uses false or stolen contact information, or intentionally cuts off communication with the Company

(6) Such Member intentionally interferes with the Company's business activities

(7) Where Article 20 of this Agreement has been violated

  1. The Company may terminate membership of the Member whose membership has been limited or suspended to the extent that he or she commits the same breach twice or more, or he or she fails to remedy such breach with thirty (30) days from the date of the breach.
  2. If the Company terminates membership of the Member, such membership is canceled, of which shall be notified such Member pursuant to Article 21 who shall be given an opportunity to be heard; provided, however, that any information of the Member who commits an act corresponding to any act described in Paragraph 2 shall be kept for a certain period from the date of the membership termination to prevent any damages to the Users arising out of such act.
  3. If this Agreement terminates due to any withdrawal from or termination of membership, the application of these terms and conditions shall cease, and any benefits or points provided by the company shall automatically expire and will not be restored upon re-registration. Any damages arising from the termination of the agreement shall be the responsibility of the member at fault for the reason of termination, and the company shall not be held liable unless otherwise provided by applicable laws.

Article 7 (Responsibility for Member Information and Management of Account Information)

  1. Members may access, change or modify their personal information at any time through management functions available on the website or app, including modification of personal information; provided, however, that modification of certain account information such as registered ID may be restricted for the purpose of the Company’s management of the Services.
  2. In the event that personal information such as registered contact information changes, the relevant Member shall immediately change his/her Member information accordingly through the method set forth in Paragraph 1 above in order to keep the Member information up to date.
  3. Members shall be liable for any disadvantages that may be incurred by them due to their failure to immediately notify the Company of any changes made as set forth in Paragraph 2 above.
  4. If the personal information provided by the Member at the time of sign-up differs from the information provided at the time of identity verification, the Company shall notify the Member in advance that the Company may update the Member's information to match the verified details, and the Member agrees to this.
  5. Members shall be responsible for managing their account information, including ID and PW, and may not share, transfer or lend such information to others under any circumstances.
  6. The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the leakage, transfer, lending, sharing, etc. of account information, unless such loss or damage is attributable to the Company.
  7. If a Member becomes aware that there is a risk of leakage or theft of account information such as ID and PW, or that a third party is using his/her account (including sharing and lending), the Member shall immediately take measures such as changing the PW and notify the Company thereof. The Member shall be liable for any disadvantages caused by the Member’s failure or negligence to give notice under this Paragraph.
  8. If there is a concern that a Member’s ID may leak personal information, be antisocial or against the good social morals, or be misunderstood as the Company and the Company’s operator, the Company may immediately restrict the use of the Member’s ID.

Article 8 (Collection and Protection of Member Information)

  1. In providing the Services, the Company shall comply with the laws and regulations on personal information, and collect, use, store, and provide only the necessary Member information accordingly.
  2. In addition to the information directly provided by Members during the course of using the Services, the Company may collect and use other information or provide it to a third party in accordance with the procedures set by the applicable laws and regulations, including those on personal information protection. In such case, the Company shall obtain necessary consent from Members in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations or comply with the procedures set by the applicable laws and regulations.
  3. The Company shall endeavor to protect the personal information of its Members as set forth in the applicable laws and regulations, including those on personal information protection, and details of the Company’s personal information processing can be found at any time in the Company’s Privacy Policy.
  4. The Company’s Privacy Policy shall not apply to any linked sites other than the Company’s official website or app. With respect to the processing of personal information by third parties who provide linked sites and services, Members shall be responsible for checking the privacy policies of such sites and third parties, and the Company shall not be responsible therefor.


Article 9 (Commencement of Use of Services)

Users may use the Services subject to confirmation and compliance with these Terms, and will be deemed to have consented to these Terms upon commencement of the use of the Services.

Article 10 (Service Hours)

  1. The Company shall provide the Services on a 24 hours a day, 365 days a year basis, in principle, unless there are special reasons in business or technical terms. The Company may divide the Services into certain ranges and separately designate the available time for each range.
  2. The Company may conduct regular or occasional inspections, if necessary for the provision of the Services. The time of such regular or occasional inspections shall be as announced on the Service provision page or announcement, etc.

Article 11 (Details of Services)

  1. The Company shall provide the following Services:
    1. Provision of travel-related information and Content;
    2. Travel News Notification Service;
    3. Bulletin board-type Service;
    4. Location-based Service;
    5. Services related to, among others, provision of information on Products, reservation services, etc. and brokerage of mail order sales;
    6. Any other Services additionally developed by the Company or provided to Members through, among others, a partnership agreement with another company; and
    7. Other businesses determined by the Company.
  2. Travel News Notification Service is a part of the interpark global by NOL Services, and is made available to Users who have consented to these Terms, via app push, email, etc. Travel News Notification shall display only informational Content, and the Company shall not send any information containing advertisement through Travel News Notification. Users can opt-out of receiving Travel News Notification at any time on the settings page of the app, and even if they opt-out of receiving Travel News Notification, they can use other interpark global by NOL Services.
  3. The Company provides information and reservation services for travel products such as tours, passes, transportation, and tickets, as well as ticket products for musicals, concerts, sports, events, exhibitions, and leisure activities. Specific details, such as reservation periods, cancellation deadlines, and fees for reservation or cancellation, may vary depending on the reservation service, payment method, or delivery method chosen by the purchaser. For the protection of bona fide users and the establishment of fair reservation practices, the Company may request identity verification through mobile phone number authentication, real-name verification, or biometric authentication during the reservation process for travel and ticket products. Users who fail to complete such verification may be restricted from using the ticket reservation service.
  4. Specific details such as individual guide on the use of the Services, information on Products, etc., precautions for booking, and cancellation or refund policy are provided through the user guide or introduction page, etc. of individual Services or Products, etc. However, for ticket products without separate cancellation fee policies, the following cancellation fees will apply if the cancellation occurs at least 10 days before the event date:
    1. The tickets for events such as musicals, concerts, classical concerts, etc.: 4,000 KRW
    2. The entrance tickets for play, sports events, exhibitions, etc.: 2,000 KRW
    3. Such cancellation fee shall not exceed 10% of the purchase price.
  5. Users shall fully understand the guide, introduction, etc. referred to in Paragraph 4 above and then use the Services. The Company, as an online sales broker, is not a party to the online sales, and there may be cases where a Seller separately operates a policy for use of Products, etc. or a cancellation or refund policy for booking. Therefore, Users must check the relevant details in advance when using or booking Products, etc. The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by Users’ failure to properly understand the relevant details.
  6. The Company may differentiate the use of the Services by classifying Members, service menus, etc. by grade according to its policy. Also, for certain Members, the Company may restrict the use to comply with the age requirements under the Youth Protection Act, etc., or impose restrictions by grade.

Article 11 (Change and Suspension of Services)

  1. The Company may change and provide the Services after announcing the details of the Services to be changed and the date of provision thereof.
  2. The Company may restrict or suspend all or part of the Services in any of the following cases:
    1. Where a User fails to go through the identity verification procedures required for using certain Services, or where the identity verification information is found to be forged, altered, or false;
    2. Where a User interferes with, or poses a risk of interfering with, the Company’s business activities;
    3. Where it is necessary for system operation or security, such as regular or occasional system inspections, expansion and replacement of server, and network instability;
    4. Where normal Service provision is not possible due to power outage, failure of Service facilities, excessive use of the Services, or repair, inspection or suspension of facilities by a facilities-based telecommunications service provider;
    5. Where the Company determines that it is inappropriate to continue providing the Services due to reasons such as decrease in the number of Members, difficulty in providing the Services smoothly or worsening of profitability, need for transition to next-generation services due to technological advancement, change in the Company’s policies related to the provision of the Services, or operational or technical necessity; or
    6. Other force majeure events such as natural disasters and national emergencies.
  3. In the event of Service suspension as set forth in Paragraph 2 above, the Company shall announce or notify the details of the Services to be suspended and the date of suspension; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to cases where it is impossible to give prior announcement or notice due to interruption of the Services caused by reasons beyond the control of the Company (e.g., failure, system down, etc. taken place without intent or negligence of the operator).
  4. In the event of any change or suspension of the Services under this Article, the Company shall not provide any separate compensation to Users unless specifically provided for in the applicable laws and regulations, and shall not be liable for any issues arising from such change or suspension.

Article 12 (Provision of Information and Posting of Advertisement)

  1. The Company may provide Users with various information deemed necessary during their use of the Services, by means of announcement, app push, e-mail, etc.; provided, however, that Users may withdraw their consent to receive marketing information at any time in accordance with relevant laws, except for transaction-related information and responses to customer inquiries, etc., in which case the Company shall cease providing the above marketing information, etc. (provided, however, that there may be a time lag in reflecting the same in the system).
  2. If the Company intends to transmit advertising information among the information referred to in Paragraph 1 above to Users by means of app push, e-mail, etc., the Company shall transmit it after obtaining from Users the consent to receive marketing information; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to cases where Travel News Notification is sent via app push, SMS, etc., and to Users’ transaction-related information and responses to customer inquiries, etc.
  3. In operating the Services, the Company may post advertisements on the Service page, website, etc. If a User uses an advertisement posted on the Services, or uses other Products, etc. as a result of the relevant advertiser’s promotional activities conducted through the Services, any related issues, including disputes between the User and the advertiser, shall be resolved directly between the User and the advertiser, and the Company shall have no liability therefor.
  4. Users shall not change, modify, or restrict any information provided by the Company, or take measures such as using such information for purposes other than to provide the Services under these Terms.

Article 13 (Rights to Posts)

  1. The copyright to any Post created by a User and prepared and posted within the Services belongs to the User; provided, however, that the Company may edit or modify all or part of the Posts prepared by Users for the purpose of posting, reproducing, delivering, sharing, advertising, or promoting within the Services, and may also post or use such Posts in other services, linked channels, or sales channels of the Company.
  2. If the Company uses a Post for purposes other than to post or utilize it in the Services, other services, or linked or sales channels, the Company shall specify who posted the Post; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to anonymous Posts whose poster is unknown or for non-profit purposes.
  3. When posting a Post on the Services, Users represent and warrant that the Post does not infringe upon any other person’s rights, including copyrights or other intellectual property rights, and the Company assumes no liability therefor. If another person files an objection, claim for damages, or request for deletion, etc. against the Company on the ground that the User infringed the rights, etc. of such person, the Company may take necessary measures, such as deletion or temporary measures, and the User shall be liable for any and all expenses or damages arising therefrom.
  4. If a User withdraws from the membership or if his/her use agreement is terminated for other justifiable reasons, the Company may delete the Posts posted by such User, in which case the deleted Posts shall not be restored to the original state.
  5. All rights and responsibilities for Posts prepared by Users shall belong to the Users who posted them, and the Users who posted such Posts may take measures such as deletion, exclusion from search results, non-disclosure, etc. of their Posts at any time through the Customer Center or the management functions within the Services.
  6. If the Company determines that a Post posted or registered by a User falls under any of the following or contains any content that violates relevant laws, such as the Network Act and the Copyright Act, the Company may delete or take temporary measures without prior notice, and the Company shall have no liability therefor:

(1) Where the content slanders or defames other Users or a third party;

(2) Where the Post disseminates or links content that is contrary to public order and good social morals;

(3) Where the content encourages piracy or hacking;

(4) Where commercial or promotional content is posted without obtaining prior approval from the Company;

(5) Where the Post requires a monetary transaction between individuals;

(6) Where it is deemed that there is a risk of being associated with a criminal conduct;

(7) Where the content infringes on the Company’s copyright, third party’s copyright or other rights;

(8) Where the content was prepared by stealing another person’s account information, name, etc. without authorization, or by unauthorized forgery or alteration of information entered by another person;

(9) Where the Post’s content concerns a personal political judgment or religious opinion that the Company believes is inconsistent with the nature of the Services;

(10) Where the Post defeats the purpose of posting, such as posting multiple Posts of the same content in duplicate;

(11) Where the Post breaches the Company’s posting principles or is inconsistent with the nature of the place for which it was prepared;

(12) Where the right holder (business owner) requests suspension or deletion of the Post due to change of the business owner or interior works, etc.;

(13) Where the Post exceeds the posting period set by the Company or is not objectively related to the posted page; or

(14) Other cases where the Post is deemed to violate the applicable laws and regulations.

  1. If a User’s Post contains any content that violates relevant laws, such as the Network Act and the Copyright Act, the right holder may request to suspend the posting and delete the relevant Post in accordance with the procedures set forth in relevant laws, and the Company shall take measures in accordance with relevant laws.
  2. Even in the absence of the right holder’s request under Paragraph 7 above, the Company may take temporary measures, etc. against a Post in accordance with relevant laws if there is a reason to recognize infringement of rights, or if the Post constitutes a breach or violation of the Company’s other policies or relevant laws.
  3. The detailed procedures under this Article shall be in accordance with the posting suspension service set by the Company to the extent provided by the Network Act and the Copyright Act.

- Posting suspension request: global\

Article 14 (Attribution of Rights)

1. Copyrights and intellectual property rights in the Services belong to the Company; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to, among others, Users’ Posts and any copyrighted works provided under the partnership agreement.

2. Copyrights and other intellectual property rights to any and all trademarks, service marks, logos, etc. relating to all Services provided by the Company (e.g., designs of the Services provided by the Company, texts, scripts, and graphics created by the Company, and function for transmission between Members) are held by the Company, or the Company holds the ownership and right of use thereof, pursuant to the laws and regulations of Korea and foreign countries.

3. Users do not obtain ownership of the Services nor hold copyrights in them by virtue of these Terms; they are simply permitted by the Company to use the Services. Therefore, Users may use the Company’s Services in the form whereby the Services are provided only for obtaining information and for personal use, to the extent of the purpose and scope of provision under the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Company’s policies.

4. Users shall not, in any event, use, copy or distribute for profit, any User status information obtained through the Services, except as expressly permitted. Users may not reproduce, edit, reprocess or distribute any and all materials and functions relating to the Services provided by the Company (e.g., designs of the Services, texts, scripts, and graphics created by the Company, and function for transmission between Members).

5. In connection with the Services, the Company shall grant Users only the right to use their account, ID, Content, etc. in accordance with the terms and conditions of use set by the Company, and Users shall not transfer, sell, provide as security or otherwise dispose of the same.

6. Users shall not use, or allow a third party to use, any information obtained in the course of using the Services for profit-making purposes by means of reproduction, transmission, publication, distribution, broadcasting, editing, reprocessing, etc. without the Company’s express prior approval.

Article 15 (Points)

1. The Company may provide Points to its Members for the efficient use and operation of the Services. Points shall be granted to Members in accordance with the Company’s policy and extinguish on a regular basis, and the specific standards for earning, method of use, term of use, and restrictions for each Point shall be separately announced or notified; provided, however, that if the term of use of Points is not separately informed, it shall be deemed as 30 days.

2. Points cannot be withdrawn in cash, and shall automatically extinguish if they are not used during the term of use, or if the use agreement is terminated due to membership withdrawal or disqualification. If Points extinguish due to membership withdrawal or disqualification, the extinguished Points shall not be restored even if the relevant User signs up again.

3. Unless separately specified by the Company, a Member shall not transfer his/her Points to a third party or any other ID, etc., and shall not transact for consideration or convert his/her Points into cash. If a Member is found to have earned or used Points through an unlawful method, such as through a method not approved by the Company, the Company may cancel the booking request that used such Points, or suspend or terminate the relevant Member’s membership.

4. The Company’s policy on Points may change depending on the Company’s business policy. Any change unfavorable to Members shall be announced or notified pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 hereof, and Members shall be deemed to have consented to such change if they continue to use the Services.

Article 16 (Coupons)

  1. Coupons are issued by the Company with or without consideration, and may be classified according to the subject of issuance, route of issuance, subject of use, etc. Coupons’ specific classification, discount amount (discount rate), method of use, period of use, and restrictions are displayed on the Coupons or the Service page. The types and contents of Coupons and whether they are issued may vary depending on the Company’s business policy.
  2. Coupons cannot be withdrawn in cash, and shall be extinguished when the period of use indicated on Coupons expire or when the use agreement is terminated. If Coupons extinguish due to membership withdrawal or disqualification, the extinguished Coupons shall not be restored even if the relevant User signs up again.
  3. If a booking transaction is canceled, the return of the Coupon used for the booking shall be determined in accordance with the Company’s policy, and the details thereof shall be informed through the Coupon, booking Service or other Service page.
  4. Unless separately specified by the Company, a Member shall not transfer his/her Coupons to a third party or any other ID, etc., and shall not transact for consideration or convert his/her Coupons into cash. If a Member is found to have earned or used Coupons through an unlawful method, such as through a method not approved by the Company, the Company may cancel the booking request that used such Coupons, or suspend or terminate the relevant Member’s membership.
  5. The Company’s policy on Coupons may change depending on the Company’s business policy. Any change unfavorable to Members shall be announced or notified pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 hereof, and Members shall be deemed to have consented to such change if they continue to use the Services.


Article 17 (Obligations of the Company)

  1. The Company shall not engage in any act that is prohibited by the applicable laws and regulations and these Terms, or contrary to good social morals, and shall use its best efforts to provide the Services in a continuous and stable manner.
  2. The Company shall have a security system for personal information protection so that Users can use the Services safely, and shall disclose and comply with the Privacy Policy.
  3. If the Company recognizes that any User complaint arising in connection with the use of the Services is reasonable, it shall take necessary measures.

Article 18 (Obligations of Users)

  1. Users shall comply with, among others, the relevant laws and regulations, the provisions of these Terms, the precautions announced on the user guide and the Services, the matters notified by the Company, and the guide on the use of Products, and shall not engage in any act that interferes with the Company’s business or the normal use of the Services by other Users. If this is violated, the Company may delete the relevant Post or take temporary measures, restrict the relevant User’s use of the Services, and immediately terminate the use agreement with such User at its discretion.
  2. Users may not transfer or donate to another person, or provide as security, his/her rights to use the Services or other status under the use agreement.
  3. In the event that there is any change in information or account information of a User, the relevant User shall immediately make such change in accordance with these Terms, and strictly manage his/her PW. The User shall be liable for any and all consequences arising from negligence in management or misuse attributable to the User, and the Company assumes no liability therefor.
  4. If a User who is a minor under the Civil Act uses paid Services, such User who is a minor must obtain consent from his/her legal guardian prior to payment. Children under the age of 14 are not allowed to use the Services.
  5. Except as expressly permitted by the Company, Users shall not engage in any business activities of selling Products, etc. using the Services, and in particular, shall not engage in any profit-making through hacking or advertisements, commercial activities through obscene sites, or illegal distribution of commercial software. The Company shall not be liable for any result or loss of business activities caused by Users’ violation of the foregoing, and for any and all legal actions such as detention by relevant authorities. Users shall compensate the Company for all damages related to such acts.
  6. Upon identity verification, Users shall verify themselves in person with their own information, and shall not authorize any other person to do so on their behalf or disclose information such as verification numbers.
  7. Users shall use payment means in their own name when purchasing Products, etc. and shall not use payment means in another person’s name. The Company may confirm the authenticity of Users’ payment means, and suspend the transaction process until the lawfulness of the payment means is confirmed, or cancel the relevant transaction. A User shall be fully liable for any losses and damages incurred by such User, as well as others (e.g., the Company, the lawful owner of payment means, the electronic payment gateway or brokerage service provider, and the Seller), as a result of the User’s use of payment means in another person’s name.
  8. Before purchasing Products, etc., Users must accurately confirm the specific details and transaction terms of Products, etc. provided by the Company or Sellers, and then make a request for purchase. Users shall be solely liable for any and all damages arising from the purchase of Products, etc. made without confirming the relevant details in advance.
  9. Users shall be solely responsible for the information they enter during the payment process for Products, etc., as well as any and all responsibilities and disadvantages arising in connection with such information.
  10. Users shall comply with these Terms and any notices provided by the Company in connection with the Services, and Users shall be fully liable for any damage arising from their breach or non-performance of these Terms and the notices.
  11. Even in cases where the Company receives information from its partners, such as Sellers, and posts the same, or where information or Content for reference purposes is provided within the Service site or through links by a third party, for the purpose of facilitating the Users’ use of the Services, Users shall decide on the selection and purchase of Products, etc., at their own discretion and responsibility, and the Company shall not be responsible for the Users’ purchase decision.
  12. Users shall cooperate with the Company to ensure that the Company can provide the Services in a safe manner, and if the Company finds a User’s breach of these Terms and requests the User to explain the breach, the User shall actively comply with the Company’s request.

Article 19 (Prohibited Acts of Users)

1. Users shall not engage in any of the following:

(1) Recording, registering, transmitting, etc. false information or using another person's information in the course of using the Services (e.g., when changing the details of application for the Services or conducting identity verification);

(2) Stealing another Member’s ID and PW to unfairly use the Services, or stealing information;

(3) Using another person’s name or payment information (e.g., account number and credit card number) without his/her permission to use the Company’s paid Services;

(4) Stating information that interferes with the Company’s business without any justifiable reason;

(5) Altering the information posted by the Company;

(6) Transmitting or posting information (e.g., computer programs) other than the information specified by the Company;

(7) Infringing upon the intellectual property rights (e.g., copyright) of the Company or any other third party;

(8) Damaging the reputation or interfering with the business of the Company or any other third party;

(9) Disclosing or posting obscene or violent messages, videos, voices, or other information that is contrary to public order and good social morals;

(10) Using the Services for profit without the Company’s express consent;

(11) Disguising as, or impersonating an employee of the Company or a manager of the Services, or stealing another person’s name, to post a certain Post or send an email;

(12) Accessing the Company’s web, app, server, etc. using packet capture and programs of similar or identical functions to check the details of transmissions between the Company’s web, app, server, etc. or attempt to extract source codes, etc., or accessing the Company’s web, app, server, etc. using source codes (including URLs) and command phrases, etc. obtained through such programs, etc.;

(13) Accessing the Company’s web, app, server, etc. using robots (bots), crawlers, spiders, scrapers, macro programs, or other automated means or manual processes to extract data, etc., or monitoring, reproducing, collecting, checking, organizing, or using the Content and information contained in the Company’s Services, without the express prior written permission of the Company;

(14) Registering or disseminating computer viruses or other computer codes, files or program materials that cause malfunction of facilities related to the Services, destruction of information, etc., or confusion;

(15) Reproducing, disassembling, imitating or otherwise altering the Services through adaptation, decryption, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembly or any other processing of the software or hardware provided by the Company, and accessing the Company’s web, app, server, etc. using source codes (including URLs) and command phrases, etc. obtained for or through such purpose;

(16) Using the Services in a manner different from normal use (e.g., using an automatic access program) and thereby causing a load on the Company’s server and interfering with the Company’s normal Services;

(17) Any and all acts of violating the restrictions on the robot exclusion header on the Company’s web, app, server, etc. or circumventing or avoiding other measures adopted to prevent or restrict access to the Company’s web, app, server, etc. and Services (e.g., accessing while continuously changing IP, and circumventing or incapacitating CAPTCHA through external solutions), and accessing the Company’s web, app, server, etc. through the same;

(18) Using, reproducing, displaying, mirroring, framing, or deep linking the Company’s web, app, service, Content, branding or page layout or design without the Company’s prior written permission;

(19) Attempting to gain unauthorized access to the Company’s web, app, server, other related websites, other accounts, computer systems, networks, etc. through hacking, PW mining, or other means, and accessing the Company’s web, app, server, etc. through the same;

(20) Any and all acts suspected of accessing the Company’s web, app, server, etc. to use the Services, Content, or information provided by the Company for commercial or competitive purposes, to understand the Company’s business status, for illegal or unlawful purposes, or for purposes prohibited by these Terms;

(21) Collecting, storing or disclosing personal information of other Members without their consent;

(22) Earning or using Points, Coupons, etc. in a manner not determined by the Company;

(23) Any and all acts that are presumed to have no actual intent to purchase, that are presumed to be for the purpose of resale or transfer, or that are presumed to be abusing the act of purchasing (e.g., repeatedly canceling after purchasing Products, etc.); or

(24) Purchasing or attempting to purchase products, etc., through abnormal methods such as using macros.

(25) Any and all acts that are illegal, breach the Company’s regulations, or use the Services not in accordance with the method of using the Services provided by the Company.

2. If a User commits any of the prohibited acts under this Article, the Company may delete the relevant Post or take temporary measures, restrict the User’s use of the Services, and immediately terminate the use agreement with the relevant User at its discretion. In this case, any fees incurred from the purchase of products will not be refunded.

3. If the user engages in fraudulent activities specified in Subparagraphs 23 to 25 of Paragraph 1 regarding ticket products, the Company may immediately restrict the user’s access to ticket reservation services or cancel the ticket reservations. In such cases, the Company will grant the user a minimum of one day to provide a written explanation. If the explanation is submitted within the given period and deemed valid by the Company, the restriction or cancellation may be lifted.

4. If necessary, the Company may notify government agencies or judicial agencies of any prohibited acts committed by Users.\ - If a User who is a minor under the Civil Act uses paid Services, such User who is a minor must obtain consent from his/her legal guardian prior to payment.

Article 20 (Notice to Members)

  1. When the Company gives a notice to a Member, it may do so to the e-mail listed by the Member unless otherwise provided in these Terms.
  2. For notices to many and unspecified Members, the Company may substitute individual notices by posting such notices on the Service bulletin board, etc.

Article 21 (Termination of Use of Services)

  1. If a Member desires to terminate his/her Service use agreement, the Member may request termination of the agreement in accordance with the termination method provided in the site or app; provided, however, that the Member shall complete, withdraw or cancel the sale and purchase procedures of all Products, etc. prior to the request for termination, and the Member shall be liable for any and all disadvantages arising therefrom.
  2. Upon receipt of a Member’s request for termination, the Company shall terminate the Member’s use of the Services accordingly.
  3. If a Member terminates the use agreement, the Member’s personal information shall be deleted immediately upon termination, unless the Company is permitted to retain the Member information in accordance with relevant laws and the Privacy Policy.

Article 22 (Restriction on Use of Services)

  1. If a User breaches these Terms, or interferes with, or poses a risk of interfering with, the normal operation of the Services, the Company may restrict the User from using the Services on a temporary or phased basis, permanently suspend the use of the Services, terminate the use agreement, or restrict the User from newly signing up or signing up again. In particular, if it is confirmed that the User falls under any of the events set forth in Article 4, Paragraph 2 hereof, commits, aids or abets a tort in connection with the use of the Services, or if such risk is deemed to exist, the Company may, without delay, permanently suspend the User from using the Services or terminate the use agreement, and restrict the User from newly signing up or signing up again.
  2. Users shall be liable for any damage arising from the restriction on the use of the Services or the termination of the use agreement due to a cause attributable to the Users, including those set forth in Paragraph 1 above, and the Company assumes no liability therefor.
  3. If the Company restricts the use of the Services or terminates the use agreement of a Member pursuant to this Article, the Company shall notify the Member as set forth in Article 21 hereof.
  4. Members may file an objection against the restriction on use of the Services or termination of the use agreement in accordance with the procedures set forth by the Company, and the Company shall immediately resume the use of the Services if it determines that such objection is reasonable.


Article 23 (Damages)

  1. In the event that a User breaches any provision of these Terms and thereby causes damage to the Company, the User who breached these Terms shall compensate the Company for such damage.
  2. In the event that the Company receives various objections from a third party, including a claim for damages or a lawsuit, due to a tort or a breach of these Terms committed by a User in the course of using the Services, the relevant User shall indemnify the Company at his/her own responsibility and expense, and if the Company is not indemnified, the relevant User shall compensate the Company for any damage incurred by the Company; provided, however, that the Company shall be liable for any damage caused by the Company’s willful misconduct or gross negligence in accordance with the Civil Act and other applicable laws and regulations.

Article 24 (Indemnification)

  1. In the event that the Company is unable to provide the Services due to natural disasters or other force majeure events equivalent thereto, the Company shall be indemnified from its responsibility to provide the Services.
  2. The Company shall not be liable for any failure in the use of the Services due to a cause attributable to any User, including breach of these Terms.
  3. The Company shall not be liable for any loss of profits anticipated by a User using the Services, nor shall the Company be liable for any damage caused by information, etc. obtained through the Services.
  4. The Company shall not be responsible for accuracy, reliability, or other contents of any Posts (including reviews and evaluations) posted by Members.
  5. The Company has no obligation to intervene in disputes arising out of the Services between Users or between Users and third parties, and shall not be liable for any resulting damages.
  6. Products, etc. shall be managed and operated under Sellers’ responsibility. As the Company is an online sales broker, any and all responsibilities arising from defects, deficiencies, or safety of Products, etc., except for issues in the operation of the Services, shall be borne by Sellers, and the Company shall not bear any responsibility therefor.
  7. The Company has no obligation to monitor the quality, safety, content, etc. of Products, etc. advertised by a third party other than the Company on the page of the Services or through a linked website, and shall assume no liability therefor.
  8. The Company shall not be liable for any use of the Services provided free of charge unless otherwise provided in the relevant Korean laws and regulations.
  9. The Company shall not be liable for damages arising from any of the following, unless there is willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Company, its officers, employees, and agents:

(1) Damages arising from false or inaccurate Member information, etc.;

(2) Personal damages arising from access to and use of the Services;

(3) Damages arising from any illegal access to the server by a third party, or any illegal use of the server;

(4) Damages arising from any illegal interference or disruption by a third party with transmissions to or from the server;

(5) Damages arising from any viruses, spyware and other malicious programs that are illegally transmitted or disseminated, or caused to be transmitted or disseminated, by a third party using the Services;

(6) Damages arising from errors, omissions, destruction, etc. of transmitted data; or

(7) Various civil and criminal liabilities arising from defamation and other torts that occur in the course of registering Member status information or using the Services between Users.

Article 25 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

  1. All disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms, the Privacy Policy, or the related Services shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea; provided, however, that the protection granted to Users under the mandatory provisions of the country in which they have their habitual abode shall not be deprived.
  2. Any lawsuit on dispute between the Company and a User shall be subject to the address of such User at the time of filing the lawsuit, and if there is no available address, the lawsuit shall be subject to the district court having jurisdiction over the residence; provided, however, that if the User’s address or residence is not clear at the time of filing the lawsuit, the competent court shall be determined in accordance with the Civil Procedure Act.
  3. Except as limited by relevant laws, any lawsuit on dispute between the Company and a User whose address or residence is in a foreign country shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Seoul Central District Court of the Republic of Korea, notwithstanding Paragraph 2 above.


These Terms shall take effect as of March 11, 2025.