Myeongdong Dak Hanmari Main Store

명동 닭 한 마리 본점
Dongdaemun · Seoul

A restaurant where you can enjoy hot broth and chewy chicken, and finish off with porridge

  • 14 Jong-ro 40ga-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul
  • +82222668249
  • https://www.닭한마리.kr
  • How to get there
    4 min walk from Exit 9 of Dongdaemun Station Line 1, located on the Dongdaemun Dak Hanmari Alley
  • Today
    10:00 - 24:30
    10:00 - 24:30
    Closed on New Year's Day and Chuseok
  • Insider Tips
    Reservations available (Phone)
    Japanese and Chinese menu available
    Takeout available
    Additional topping available (noodle, rice cake, potato, scallion, etc.)
    Public parking lots available nearby

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