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Seoul Weather Forecast

5 reviews
Reference: Robson Hatsukami Morgan/
Reference: Robson Hatsukami Morgan/
Because of its temperate location, Seoul has a distinct four-season climate. Seoul is clear and dry in the spring and autumn, humid and hot in the summer, and dry and cold in the winter. Before traveling, it is critical to check the appropriate clothing for each season, as the weather can vary greatly. The best seasons to visit Seoul are spring and autumn when the weather is pleasant and there is less rain.
January, February
A cold gust of wintry blasts
January and February are the coldest months of the year, with little to no rain and a lot of dry, cold wind. During this period, Korea goes through a unique weather pattern called "Samhansaon" which consists of three cold days followed by four relatively milder days. It may also snow during this time. If you travel during this season, you must have earmuffs, scarves, and gloves to protect yourself from the cold wind.
Average temperature -6°/2° Average precipitation 22 mm/7 days
Average temperature -4°/4° Average precipitation 24 mm/6 days
March, April
When the cold weather finally breaks and the flowers begin to bloom
The weather gradually warms up in March, and spring arrives in April. Flowers begin to bloom toward the end of March, making it an ideal time for flower viewing. Even after the flowers bloom, there may still be a chilly breeze, so bring warm clothing. Furthermore, because this is the season when yellow dust concentrations rise, it is a good idea to keep a face mask on hand.
Average temperature 1°/10° Average precipitation 49 mm/7 days
Average temperature 7°/18° Average precipitation 77 mm/8 days
May, June
The best time for outdoor activities
In May and June, expect warm days and cool evenings. The weather is ideal for outdoor activities, and there are people everywhere on weekends. People will be wearing short sleeves and long pants in greater numbers. Given the significant temperature difference between day and night, a light jacket or outerwear is still advised.
Average temperature 13°/23° Average precipitation 102 mm/9 days
Average temperature 18°/27° Average precipitation 328 mm/10 days
July, August
Hot and humid summer weather
Rainfall is common during the months of July and August, resulting in generally humid and hot weather. It rains more than 15 days per month, and after that, the weather becomes hot, with high temperatures averaging 31°. Typhoons are also possible in August. Because rain showers are common, bring an umbrella to prepare for unexpected downpours.
Average temperature 22°/29° Average precipitation 328 mm/16 days
Average temperature 22°/29.5° Average precipitation 348 mm/15 days
September, October
Cool autumn weather with colorful autumn foliage
It's that time of year when the summer heat has subsided and the air has cooled. The temperature difference grows as the sky clears, so bring some light outerwear. Maple and ginkgo trees have begun to change colors by the middle of October, allowing you to enjoy the autumn foliage.
Average temperature 17°/26° Average precipitation 138 mm/9 days
Average temperature 10°/20° Average precipitation 50 mm/6 days
November, December
The transition from coats to padded jackets
The temperature drops significantly as the season changes to winter, necessitating the use of warmer clothing. It gets dark earlier with shorter days, which is important to remember when planning your travel itinerary. You may see your first snowfall by the end of November. As December approaches, the weather gets colder, so bring your padded jackets.
Average temperature 3°/11.5° Average precipitation 53 mm/9 days
Average temperature -3°/4° Average precipitation 25 mm/8 days
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